Wednesday, September 23, 2009

up in a day and back in forever...

(i stole that first line from scott's emo poem about his summer in texas. but i think it can be said as fitting here too. maybe its a lack of sleep, or too much time to think in the car, but tonight i am feeling i see things more clearly in the rear view mirror too.)

a whirlwind trip to the berg and back to do some more apt and job hunting has got me all contemplative. all in my head and feeling lost.
where am i going? what am i doing?
what do i want?
i don't know a lot of things...
i don't know how to do really hard math problems.
i don't know how to fix most things on my car.
i don't know what its like to wake up beside someone and have them whisper i love you.
i don't know how to finish my novel.
i don't know if i will ever finish it at all.
i don't know where the road will lead next.
i don't know if i will have the courage to take it.
i don't know what God is doing.

i try to believe still in all the things i believed as a child. in white picket fences and green eyed babies, and the knight in shining armor...i guess

here are some things that i want...
i want to be good.
i want to be someone that people find to be a source of encouragement.
i want to be a girlfriend and a wife.
i want a man who i can throw my arms around at the end of every day and say how was work?
i want a family to love and take care of.
i want children to bless and who my parents can spoil and love.
i want to know that i may not know where the road is going, but i have a best friend to walk it with.
i want to know that i can finish my novel with a happy ending because i have a happy ending to my own life.

cc once said that he was tired of living the same old short stories. i think i feel that way too.

im ready for my life to take this crazy turn of events and all of the sudden some of my wants turn into haves. i don't feel like its a lot to ask. i don't want money, or fame, or any of those types of things... just a fair shot at loving someone and being loved in return.

ah, well. the night is tired and so am i.

maybe my plot twist is coming...

poem of the day:
Longing is like the Seed
That wrestles in the Ground,
Believing if it intercede
It shall at lenghth be found.

today i am reading:
the hattiesburg american and craig's list

today i am listening to:
adele-19-chasing pavements
annie and the beekeepers--a pirates life
she and him-volume one-sentimental heart


  1. I forgot about that old emo poem. Do you have copy, or is your memory just that good?

  2. im just that good. heh. no, you were just that good. that poem got to me man! its still with me cause its emo-ness cut me so deep!
