Thursday, May 6, 2010


i've been thinking lately about what it means to persevere.

i started trying to walk/run again. not an easy task for one so out of shape. i have started out slowly. very slowly. we will see.

i heard recently about this tribe of indigenous peoples in northern Mexico known as the tarahumara who are world famous for their long distance running abilities. and i mean long distance. a few men who have traveled to the US from this tribe have frustrated the rest of the world as they have run along side other athletes in marathons; not only do they win by a long shot but they stop for long breaks along the way, sometimes even to smoke, and still win.

for these people running is a way of life. they cover long distances of up to 50 miles to deliver mail, messages etc..often times in bare feet and in unbelievable time. they still practice persistence hunting. a method used by early humans where over the course of several hours an animal such as a gazelle will die from exhaustion while being tracked by a persistent human runner. their games mostly consist of running. the men's games make use of a ball much in the same way soccer is played, and the women roll hoops. but what makes these games so incredible is that they will cover up to forty miles over the course of a several hours. when running is your only means of transportation, sport and part of of your very survival, you get good at it.

some researchers believe that this is a specific and isolated incident where this one group of people are just genetically destined to be great runners. others, however, have determined that this is more than likely closer to the way that all humans existed at some point or another. they believe that our modern lifestyles with varying modes of transport and other comforts have slowly over time caused us to lose these "super human" abilities still possessed by the tarahumara.

i tend to agree with the latter. after all the human body can be trained to do amazing things. even me. the training method i am using as of late is called couch to 5k! heh. and it works. over several weeks i hope to be able to run at a more persistent speed, but for now i am starting out slowly. running only for minutes at a time to start, before resting with a slower walking pace. interval training.

its all very interesting to me.

its gotten me thinking about my spiritual life as well.

lately my thoughts and prayers have gone something like this, "God, im just so tired... i feel so drained."

and i do.

i feel like in the last several weeks my spiritual life has kicked off with amazing speed. all of the sudden i found myself at this steady stride alongside the Lord, jumping over obstacles in my path, (some not quite so easily, but making it over them all the same in the end) and for a while there the pace seemed almost easy. every scripture i read was meant just for me. i was surrounded by "god sightings" where i could see the lord at work in my life. i was full of insights and happy thoughts. so why am i now feeling like i have run out of gas?

i think i understand what hebrews 12:1 means more and more.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

our spiritual lives are like a long distance marathon, and i am no tarahumara.

i have thought lately about all the things that can trip me up. the lies of the enemy, my own emotions and my habit of perpetual planning. not to mention your other more commonly known and thought about sins. but i had not considered that even if i was "throwing off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles" that i still had more to consider. the perseverance part may prove to be even more difficult.

but i press on. whether i like it or not, time moves on and the lord continues to work on my life. if i choose to keep stride with him, well, that is up to me.

i think the lord designed it this way on purpose. where the road to following him is not easy. the narrow way and all of that. that way we must learn to trust and follow him over time. making him a part of our very lives the way the tarahumara have done with running. when he is our only means for living, its more natural to act as he would and turn to him for everything.

i guess for now i will pray for endurance, continued peace and a persistent heart...

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